anemia 貧血 KK: [Qtn`maQ]
pneumonia 肺炎 KK: [nsbtmcnsQ]
diarrhoea 腹瀉 KK: [ugAaQtq`Q]
indication 徵兆 KK: [uangQthTXQn] symptom 症狀
malignant 【醫】惡性的,致命的 KK: [mQtpavnQnf]
melanoma 黑色素瘤 KK: [umUpQtncmQ]
sepsis (傷口化膿所致的)腐敗作用;敗毒病 KK: [tkUdkak]
scrotum 陰囊 KK: [tkhqcfQm]
Hydration水合作用 KK: [oAatgqTXQn]
Lymph 淋巴 KK: [pami] edema【醫】浮腫;水腫KK: [`tg`mQ]
Swelling 增大;膨脹,隆起物;疙瘩;腫瘤 KK: [tkrUpaV]
Diagnosis and management of sepsis [] 敗血症的診斷與處理
抽blood gas 血液氣體
on N-G tube 鼻胃管
on foley 導尿管
reward 獎勵 KK: [qatrOqg] criticize KK: [thqafaukAal] 批評
handout 講義 (teaching materials)
remuneration酬金;薪資 KK: [qaumsbnQtqTXQn]
acute 急性 critical KK: [thqafahx] 緊要的,關鍵性的,危急的
motivation 積極 n. KK: [umcfQtjTXQn]
coacher 家庭教師、 訓練員、指揮者 KK: [thcfXR]
transition 過渡時期、轉變 KK: [fq@ntlaXQn]
palliative care (hospice care) 安寧緩和醫療 KK: [td@pauTfaj]
hospital unit no 病歷號碼
I work in the hospital.
I’m the administrative [QgtmanQukfqTfaj] 行政的 assistant of our collaborative [hQup@eQtqTXQn 合作的 program with Yang-Ming University.
Does this lesson (lecture) have teaching materials to give to students?
I will mark down my calender.
Ralph Corey
名(first name/ given name) 姓(last name/ family name)
Corey, Ralph
姓 , 名
Would you be possible to provide me more information helping you to meet your requirement?
Would you mind telling me you need a colon dr or general medicine dr?
Please spell it I will be easier to understand what you want (need).
I'll mark down my calender.
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